Tank vs. Tankless Water Heaters: A Comparison

Tank vs. Tankless Water Heaters: A Comparison

Tank vs. Tankless Water Heaters: A Comparison

14 August 2023
, Blog

Choosing a water heater for your home is a significant decision that impacts your comfort, energy use, and utility bills. The two main types of water heaters are tank-style and tankless. Each has its advantages and potential drawbacks. Here are the differences between these two types of water heaters to help you make an informed decision.

Tank Water Heaters

Tank water heaters, also known as storage water heaters, are the most common type in homes today. They store and heat a large amount of water in a reservoir. When you turn on a hot water tap, hot water from the top of the tank is dispensed, and cold water enters the bottom of the tank to be heated for future use.


Lower upfront cost: Traditional tank water heaters are generally less expensive to purchase and install.
Simplicity: They are straightforward in design and operation, which often makes maintenance easier.


Size: Due to their bulky size, tank water heaters require more space for installation.
Limited supply: Once the hot water in the tank runs out, it takes time to heat the incoming cold water, which can lead to inconvenient shortages of hot water.
Energy inefficiency: These heaters continuously heat water, even when not in use, leading to standby energy loss.

Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters provide hot water without the requirement of a storage tank. When hot water is needed, cold water enters the unit through a pipe. Inside, the water is heated by a gas burner or electric element, ensuring a constant and reliable supply. This innovative technology not only saves space but also offers convenience and efficiency in heating water for various purposes.


Energy efficiency: Tankless water heaters only heat water when needed, reducing energy consumption compared to tank heaters.
Unlimited hot water: They offer an uninterrupted flow of hot water, perfect for filling a large hot tub or indulging in a lengthy and soothing shower.
Compact size: Their small size allows for installation in tight spaces, including closets and under cabinets.


Higher upfront cost: Tankless models are more expensive to purchase and install. However, their longer lifespan and energy savings can offset the initial cost over time.
Limited output: While they provide a constant supply of hot water, the flow rate might be inadequate if multiple taps are used simultaneously.

In conclusion, the choice between a tank and tankless water heater depends on your budget, household size, hot water needs, and energy-saving goals. Tank heaters might be suitable for those needing a lower upfront cost and simplicity, while tankless heaters could benefit those with higher hot water demand and a desire for energy efficiency. It's essential to consider these factors and consult with a professional to choose the best water heater for your specific needs.

For more information, contact a plumbing company such as George Morlan Plumbing.

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Choosing Better Plumbing Systems

After struggling with our home plumbing for a few months, I began focusing more seriously on working with the right professionals to resolve the problem. We went through, focused on making some changes, and then found a team of professionals that we felt really awesome about working with. They helped us to identify all kinds of challenges, and within a few visits, things were working well. This website is for anyone out there who has ever struggled with their home plumbing. Check out these great tips for advice that could help you to live a better life. With great plumbing, you can keep your home in better condition.
