Five Septic Maintenance Issues And How To Handle Them

Five Septic Maintenance Issues And How To Handle Them

Five Septic Maintenance Issues And How To Handle Them

22 May 2020
, Blog

You depend on your septic system to process the waste that your home produces. Yet, a few mistakes can lead to problems with your septic system. The following are a few issues that will lead to the need for pumping or a repair.

1. Flushing Everything

Not everything that is labeled as flushable should go down the drain. Diapers, wipes, and hygiene products should never be put into your septic system. All your system is designed to handle is human waste, toilet paper, and very small amounts of food particles. Anything more can overload your tank and lead to poor effluent breakdown and an overflowing system. If sewage is backing up into the house, something has lead to a clog or filled the tank and a pumping will be required.

2. Drainfield Abuse

The drainfield is designed to process the moisture that seeps from the septic tank and any natural precipitation. An influx of water from elsewhere can overload the drainfield and wreak havoc on your septic system. Runoff from the house, nearby gardens and landscaped areas, or fields that flows into the drainfield can overload it. Driving on the field or planting deep rooted plants on or near the field also leads to issues. If you have standing water or sewage on your drainfield, then you will need to call for a repair.

3. System Overload

Every septic tank has a load capacity, which is typically defined by household members and average water usage. If you have extra guests or tend to use more water than the system was initially designed for, then it is a good idea to conserve water so that less is flooding into your septic tank. You should call your service provider for an additional pumping, or at least an inspection, if you have had prolonged guests or been using more water than usual.

4. Skipping Regular Cleanings

An overly full tank is a tank that will suffer problems. These problems could present as sewage backups into the home, an overflowing drainfield, or damage to the tank itself. A septic service can help you determine the best schedule for tank pumping for your household's needs. Typically, the tank needs pumped as it approaches the fill line, which is about every two to three years for a properly sized tank.

5. Postponing Annual Maintenance

Annual maintenance is recommended even if a pumping isn't necessary, and postponing it can lead to problems such as broken components or an overflowing tank. Your service technician will verify that the pipes are clear and that the drainfield is operating as it should. Further, they will check tank levels and verify that effluent is breaking down in the tank. Valves, pumps, and other components will also be inspected and repaired or replaced, if necessary.

Contact a septic tank pumping service for more assistance. 

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Choosing Better Plumbing Systems

After struggling with our home plumbing for a few months, I began focusing more seriously on working with the right professionals to resolve the problem. We went through, focused on making some changes, and then found a team of professionals that we felt really awesome about working with. They helped us to identify all kinds of challenges, and within a few visits, things were working well. This website is for anyone out there who has ever struggled with their home plumbing. Check out these great tips for advice that could help you to live a better life. With great plumbing, you can keep your home in better condition.
